Dying Memoryes

Dying Memoryes was originally devised way back in 2006. I’d recently finished George’s Children and I was really jealous of all these new indie story games. But most felt less like games and more like Q&A exercises. After 30 minutes of setup for any RPG, you could probably write an awesome story. We needed rules? So, I decided I wanted to make a game where your character sheet was blank and you could start playing in seconds.

But what?

Well. Maybe if you started as an empty slate. But why? Does everyone has amnesia? Do they exist in a vacuum? The zeitgeist of the game came to me when I remembered Ryan Charles’ Ship of Fools game from the early 90s about people in cryogenic tanks on a dying ship. I pretty much stole the plot, added my own nuance, studied how the brain works without oxygen, and wrote a game entirely about people’s unreliable memories and will to live.

Seriously underrated game.
